Friday, May 15, 2015

I don't know about you, but I am always trying to figure out my direction in life. Whether or not I am doing the right things, whether my priorities are just right to maximize my life. A lot of times it looks like me making lists of things I want to do and things I need to do and things I am already doing and trying to create some sort of map out of it. After some journaling and map-making this morning, I came back to the conclusion that I often do: I'm doing fine. I'm doing what I need to be doing. And I need to be ok with where I am at and how I am doing. Here is the last paragraph of my morning journal, which I think sums up a common conundrum of mine:

"I think that my greatest work at this time is somewhat paradoxical. To go forward with all of the goals and aspirations and heart longings I feel, and certainly also with the obligations I currently have, toward my son, my business and all involved with it, etc., and at the same time to continually dissolve this idea that my worth is based on doing all of this perfectly, so that I will receive great applause and social and financial reward. I need to base my worth on my innate goodness, my simple existence, the miracle of life. And at the same time, do the things that karma will have me do."

For some reason, separating out self-worth from the worthiness of our actions and our accomplishments is very delicate. They are certainly related, but they are not the same. I am interested in exploring the relationship between our self-worth and our actions in some meditations, and if I come up with anything interesting, I'll be sure to share it here. Cheers!

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