Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Good Time for Waking Up!

Hello world and welcome! I am glad you are here. I hope it is because something in one of my posts has sparked some inspiration in you. I am excited to share the fullness of who I am with you. It might get complicated! But whatever happens, I am here to show you the whole truth about the journey I am on which is leading me toward greater and greater liberation, peace and happiness. This is a great time to wake up! I often feel myself on the edge of waking up. I identify with pure consciousness, the movement of the universe, and I see this body and ego as a small part of that whole. I feel so much love for her as she fumbles through life, trying to figure it out. But then I slip back into identifying as her, back into the heaviness of believing the "Asenath story", believing in her existence as a separate self. Though I spend far more time as Asenath than I do as Pure Consciousness, it is exciting to see myself and others cross that threshold if only for a few minutes at a time. It is something I want to keep practicing, and I hope I can go far with it in this lifetime. I am so happy to be here in this life, this time, this moment with you. Let's wake up together!

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