Friday, May 22, 2015

Graveyard Jump

Hi guys. I really want to share some songs on here, too, so here is the first one. First of all, you need to go to and check out his music for free. Second of all, I feel the need to mention that I know I need to get some better recording equipment if I keep doing this. Also an adult sized guitar. And a real capo. And you can't imagine how I wish I was better at guitar, but that is slow-going! Apologies aside, enjoy the song!

Emotion Wheel

Hi guys. Here is something cool that will help you express your feelings in more specific ways. Being able to articulate how we feel is empowering and deepens our relationships with ourselves and others. Yay, vocabulary!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Healing from Depression

Hey guys. Here is another video I made. This one discusses some of my experiences with depression and some of the tools I learned that helped me heal from long-standing depression and get happy. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 17, 2015

First You Tube Video!

Hey, check out my first youtube video. I'll figure out how to record in higher definition, but in the mean time, this is pretty easy to watch. Enjoy!

Friday, May 15, 2015

I don't know about you, but I am always trying to figure out my direction in life. Whether or not I am doing the right things, whether my priorities are just right to maximize my life. A lot of times it looks like me making lists of things I want to do and things I need to do and things I am already doing and trying to create some sort of map out of it. After some journaling and map-making this morning, I came back to the conclusion that I often do: I'm doing fine. I'm doing what I need to be doing. And I need to be ok with where I am at and how I am doing. Here is the last paragraph of my morning journal, which I think sums up a common conundrum of mine:

"I think that my greatest work at this time is somewhat paradoxical. To go forward with all of the goals and aspirations and heart longings I feel, and certainly also with the obligations I currently have, toward my son, my business and all involved with it, etc., and at the same time to continually dissolve this idea that my worth is based on doing all of this perfectly, so that I will receive great applause and social and financial reward. I need to base my worth on my innate goodness, my simple existence, the miracle of life. And at the same time, do the things that karma will have me do."

For some reason, separating out self-worth from the worthiness of our actions and our accomplishments is very delicate. They are certainly related, but they are not the same. I am interested in exploring the relationship between our self-worth and our actions in some meditations, and if I come up with anything interesting, I'll be sure to share it here. Cheers!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

A Great Guided Meditation

I recently heard about Fred Davis from my friend and teacher, Janet Gilmore, who is reading his book. I checked out some of his YouTube Videos and found this guided mediation, in particular, to be pretty awesome. Enjoy!!

A Good Time for Waking Up!

Hello world and welcome! I am glad you are here. I hope it is because something in one of my posts has sparked some inspiration in you. I am excited to share the fullness of who I am with you. It might get complicated! But whatever happens, I am here to show you the whole truth about the journey I am on which is leading me toward greater and greater liberation, peace and happiness. This is a great time to wake up! I often feel myself on the edge of waking up. I identify with pure consciousness, the movement of the universe, and I see this body and ego as a small part of that whole. I feel so much love for her as she fumbles through life, trying to figure it out. But then I slip back into identifying as her, back into the heaviness of believing the "Asenath story", believing in her existence as a separate self. Though I spend far more time as Asenath than I do as Pure Consciousness, it is exciting to see myself and others cross that threshold if only for a few minutes at a time. It is something I want to keep practicing, and I hope I can go far with it in this lifetime. I am so happy to be here in this life, this time, this moment with you. Let's wake up together!